Clinical Supervision Training For LPC

"Ethics: Clinical Supervision Training For LPC"

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Do you need to complete the CPCS clinical supervision training for LPC in Georgia? Yes you do if you intend to supervise Georgia APCs toward LPC licensing. This workshop and ‘Being A Great Mentor” are both approved for 6 CPCS supervision credential renewal hours. (See LPCA website for CE Approval #).

Below is all you need to know about supervision training and why you are required to complete it.

If you are an LPC, read on because this greatly impacts you. 

The GA Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists passed a rule change effective “after 9/30/2018” that requires Supervisors to have either the CPCS or ACS credential. 

Your Presenter:

Picture of Eric Groh, LPC BC-TMH CPCS ACS


Former Composite Board President and Complaints Investigator. Board Certified Telemental Health Provider. Certified Professional Clinical Supervisor NBCC National Approved Clinical Supervisor.

If you’re experiencing power struggles, unethical behavior or frequent ethical dilemmas with supervisees, this live synchronous webinar is for you. 

Did you know Georgia’s Composite Board is now requesting supervisors appearance to respond to complaints by peers–no bueno!

These situations are stressful for supervisors. Let me help you minimize these problems. 

I developed this workshop to address industry trends of increased supervisor responsibilities, board and disciplinary actions taken against supervisors and telemental health supervision. 

Learn a 3-Step vetting process that dramatically reduces worry and supervision anxiety and simplifies documentation.

Choose this training, an LPCAGA approved CPCS supervision workshop to reach the ultimate goal in LPC supervision: freedom from apprehension, anxiety, tentativeness, and supervisor liability so you can focus on developing your supervisees into competent therapists.

  • How do I protect myself, my license and my supervisees clients?
  • How do I address and correct boundary problems with difficult supervisees?
  • How can I supervise with minimal stress and anxiety?
  • How can I minimize ethics and legal violations when providing supervision?

View The Agenda:

1) Participants will learn a three step screening process for in interviewing and selecting candidates for supervision.
2) Participants will learn a proactive system of documentation that simplifies documentation of supervision sessions.
3) Participants will demonstrate abilities to remove constraints and obstacles and allow supervision to be more enjoyable and rewarding.
4) Participants will demonstrate a basic understanding of State Licensing Board, LPCA CPCS Supervision and NBCC Codes of Ethics on Supervision.

Clinical Supervision Training For LPC

Workshop Starts In:

NBCC Trainer Approval

Eric Groh LPC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, AceP No. 6921. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Eric Groh LPC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

About The Presenter.

Eric Groh LPC is one of the premier ethics trainers of mental health professionals in Georgia.

He has presented through the Emory University School of Medicine, Licensed Professional Counselors Association, the South Division of the National Council on Problem Gambling and many other mental health and addiction organizations.

Eric was a three-time governor appointee and president of the Composite Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists.

Eric served as adjunct at Georgia State University, Chattahoochee Technical College and Bauder College. 

He was a consultant to the U.S. Department of Public Health, Bethesda MD, to expand capacity for MH/SA services to emergency response professionals in large scale disasters.

He is founder and president of the Georgia Council on Problem Gambling. For 20 years he has been a solo practitioner combining cutting edge approaches and strategic practice development.

His primary focus is mental healthcare professional ethics consulting.

If You Only Are An Internship Supervisor Are You Required To Be A Qualified Supervisor

If you are a Georgia LPC Supervisor, you must complete supervision continuing ed requirements and be a state qualified supervisor. 

Still, there are fundamental differences between a supervisor towards licensure and a practicum supervisor.

A practicum supervisor does not execute a supervision contract that is submitted to the board. In that sense, they are not a Supervisor by rules definition. Rather, they complete a form attesting to number of practicum and internship hours completed and that they supervised their work. 

So, it follows that the nature of accountability differs.

The practicum supervisor can either be the course instructor or the practicum site supervisor.

The practicum supervision is, in effect, a course requirement since it is part of the degree program. Still, currently the practicum supervisor must meet GA LPC supervisor requirements. 

You will need to complete the supervision training. But there are several issues that the board may encounter after the rule change becomes effective regarding both practicum supervisors, supervisors and future applicants.

Need to Renew Your CPCS?

Many Georgia LPC Supervisors have completed the clinical supervision training for LPC supervision for the CPCS in anticipation of the rule changes, but out of state applicants’ Supervisors will not have the Georgia-specific CPCS credential.

It is not known how all license applications will be handled by the GA Composite Board.

First, if your LPC supervision was or is being provided by an NBCC Approved Clinical Supervisor, they are acceptable to Georgia’s Licensing Board provided they meet all other definitions of Supervisor.

Secondly, if you will be submitting an application for licensure by endorsement, the board will evaluate license equivalency (if your state’s licensing requirements are equivalent ) in a different manner.

If the board accepts a non- CPCS or ACS supervisor, it may need to allow in-state applicants to use non-credentialed supervisors as well. But the board has discretion to require the applicant to obtain a credentialed supervisor and start over with all of their supervision. 

Also, the other acceptable credential by Georgia’s Board is the national ACS. The majority of applicants after 9/30/2018 and at least in the future will not have the ACS. As of 8/28/2023 there are only 231 NBCC Approved Clinical Supervisors statewide in Georgia. It’s critical that GA LPCs obtain the ACS credential as it is accepted in 15 states. It will likely be the gold standard for LPC counseling compact licensees.

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Definitions of Counselor Supervision

Definition of Approved LPC LCSW and MFT supervisors varies from state to state. Some states require a third party administered credential. Many states require the supervisor to be directly approved by the licensing board through an application process.

There is quality clinical supervisor training and inferior training. If you provide clinical supervision you should be trained properly. In all situations, the training should meet an industry standard and be practical, logical and empirical. In many cases, a clinical supervisor struggles based on poor training. In short, clinical supervision continuing education should be delivered by experienced clinical supervisors who can provide useful, reliable and accurate information.

In short, clinical supervision continuing education webinars and training should be delivered by reliable and experienced clinical supervisors with a proven track record of success.

NBCC Trainer Approval

Eric Groh LPC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, AceP No. 6921. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Eric Groh LPC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

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